A happy accident. It was a picture of fireworks going off -- just a medium-sized burst. This image appeared during the editing process. I think it was a glitch; nothing I do now to the original image results in this very organic looking, yet pixilated, goodness.
Actually, I figured it out. It has to do with the photo editor's metallic effect. I hardly ever use it, since it just makes most images look noisy, but this time, I like the result. It sort of looks like something you'd see on a microscope slide.
John Lindermuth's New Novel
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than that of our American West. I'm also intrigued by mystery. So what
could be ...
The sun setting on the Mississippi River
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on a lazy Sunday afternoon. As you might imagine, the temperature was in
the 90...
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dental s...
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(I still) love that chicken from Popeye's
A Popeye's chicken joint recently opened near my office. I haven't been
able to visit yet. As you may or may not know, I've been out of town for a
while. ...
Hello, my dwindled numbers.
The time has come for me to close up shop here at Brown Rabbit Tanning.
It's taken a long time for me to arrive at this course ...
A Lei do mais forte. Seja pela força ou pela cultura!
A Autoridade como verdade nunca será bom para o Homem.
Mas ao contrario ; A Verdade como autoridade le...
What's the second picture?
A happy accident. It was a picture of fireworks going off -- just a medium-sized burst. This image appeared during the editing process. I think it was a glitch; nothing I do now to the original image results in this very organic looking, yet pixilated, goodness.
Actually, I figured it out. It has to do with the photo editor's metallic effect. I hardly ever use it, since it just makes most images look noisy, but this time, I like the result. It sort of looks like something you'd see on a microscope slide.
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